Our Location

Yiwu city, zhejiang province, china

tiger tattoo supply

tiger tattoo supply

Tattoo Pen

A tattoo pen, also known as a tattoo machine, is a tool used to create permanent designs on the skin using ink. It consists of a motorized needle that rapidly punctures the skin to inject ink into the dermis layer,…

how to know cartridge size

tattoo cartridge needles factory

To determine the size of tattoo cartridge that you need, you should first consider the type of tattoo design that you will be creating. Different needle configurations are used for different purposes, so you should choose a cartridge size that…

Tattoo Needle Guide

When looking at a page of tattoo needles on a website or in a catalogue, it can seem a little overwhelming with all the different options available. No need to worry though! Here’s where the learning begins. All these options fall into six basic groupings of tattoo needles: Round Liners, Round Shaders, Magnum Shaders, Curved Magnum Shaders, Flat Shaders and Double Stacks. Below we go into more detail on each type.